Runaway from yourself
28 January, 2020
Called by Love
2 May, 2020Is God calling me?
Do I have a vocation?
Nothing better than experiencing the touch of God who calls you to follow him. Attention!, it´s a call, God is the one who chooses, it´s not a personal project.
Following God in the religious life or priesthood is not only a personal project, it could be, but in response to God's call, as Abraham did (Gen. 12, 1-3). The initiative is from God, that´s why it´s important to discern carefully, largely and with deep reflection what is the will of God in our lives.
God calls and he does not have a common criteria, He chooses whoever he wants, it is incredible! He has a mysterious way to choose his disciples, which we cannot understand. Just by reading the Gospels, we can see the particular detail of each call. (1 Sam 3, 1-18. Lk. 6, 12-19. Mt. 4,18-20).
We´ve been called to follow Jesus, to be his disciples, to respond to the christians universal call, the baptism. Where everything begins. It will be a path of perseverance to gradually configure ourselves with Christ. When we follow him and relate to him, we can make our discernment with more foundation and understand "better" what is the will of God in our lives.
If you feel that God is calling you, thank, pray, and do not intend to make huge leaps or burn stages, enjoy the moments with Jesus, in your family, in your parish, with your friends, in the university, or wherever you are… And, over time, you will be able to say that you have felt the touch of God, and specifically for a particular vocation in the Church, as a religious brother and / or priest.
It is a process of seeking and finding. Enjoy it.
A couple of details: God speaks in silence, don't forget it; and be careful with the wrong voices that can confuse us in a loudly society.